When you recover from what you have been through,

Will you be ready? Will you be you?

When the sky will finally shine blue,

Will you give in? Or will you start from anew?

Will life move on?

Or will it be the same?

Will you rise from dawn?

Or will people forget your name?

Will your dreams still be dreams?

Will you cripple like the rest?

as sad as it may seem,

Or will you pass another one of life’s test?

The world seems different and changed,

Things that were once may now appear strange,

Though with courage and committed will,

You can reclaim your life

which was lost when you took ill.

The path of recovery may be long,

But when you will survive it, it’ll make you strong,

Now that you are strong, stronger than ever,

Its time to forget the past forever.

So now that you’ve recovered, what will you do?

Will you struggle up a mountain

to enjoy the view?

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